House Life

House Life

Penn Women in Leadership

Women have broken through the glass ceiling enjoying successful careers in politics, journalism, medicine; leading fortune 500 companies; and being accomplished artists, performers and musicians. But have you ever wondered how they got there? What was their major in college and did they use their major to get there? What are the challenges specific to being a woman leader in today's world?

The core of this program is two-fold:

(1) to build an intentional community of future women in leadership and individuals who seek to encourage their experiences, (2) to increase understanding of how gender dynamics continue to influence the personal lives of women, and (3) to provide mentorship and real-life examples of how women have become distinguished Penn Alumnae.

The program will highlight the range of careers that exist for Penn graduates, specifically by inviting accomplished women across the university and beyond from their respective fields for interactive discussions. Participants will hear how the speakers have broken the mold from an executive, entrepreneur, professor, and recent working alumna perspective, while making meaningful contacts with important professional mentors.

Ware House Office

Program Members: 18