You've made it here! We can’t wait to meet you.
College Houses and Academic Services are the people at Penn dedicated to making your College House into a vibrant community that gives you space to continue developing into the person, scholar, and leader you want to be. No matter which House you live in your first year, you'll find plenty of support and opportunities to learn and socialize in your new home at Penn.
Housing selection is right around the corner, and we want to help you make choices that work for you. Here are some questions to think about while you're thinking about your options: Who am I? And based on what I'm learning about Penn, what's the best fit for me?
There are basically three options for your first-year residence at Penn:
- First-Year Houses, which mean you'll live with other first-year students as you transition together into your new life at Penn;
- Four-Year Houses, living with a mix of first- and second-year students as well as some juniors and seniors;
- Living in a Program Community, which means you'll live with students and faculty who want to explore a specific subject or discipline together during the academic year.
And don’t worry: there’s no wrong decision here. No matter which College House community you move into this fall, you’ll find everything you need to succeed and thrive at Penn.