Jamuna Samuels article

Rodin House Fellow blends academics with music

Penn Today brings us an article about Music 236, a class led by Rodin College House Fellow Dr. Jamuna Samuel, which focuses on the work of one composer and brings in guest artists to collaborate with and coach music students on all aspects of performance, creating what Dr. Samuel calls "a dynamic exchange in which we are all learning really every minute."  Click here to read more.

Winter Summit 2019

RA/GA Staffs "Serve With Pride" 

Each year when the College Houses' RA and GA staff return from Winter Break, they gather for the Winter Summit mid-year in-service. Some years this involves focused training and other continuing education to equip them for the second half of the school year; this year they "paid it forward", undertaking a variety of service projects in Philadelphia. Click here to read more about this year's service projects.

CHAS Survey 2019 - Statistics

College House Survey: The Competition is ON

Whether you're in a first-year House, an upperclass high rise, or a four-year House, your House is competing against the other Houses of its type for a $300 prize based on the percentage of residents who finish the survey, to be used for a House-wide celebration event.  Additionally, your House will win College House Cup points based on the percentage of residents who complete the survey. Make sure your House's voice is the best represented and help improve the College House experience for everybody!


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