College House residents experience the spectrum of musical life in Philly as they take a walking tour of music venues, murals, and city life on Broad Street in Philadelphia with Dr. Molly McGlone, the College of Arts & Science's Assistant Dean for Advising during New Student Orientation. (Photo: Adam Weaver.)
Inset: Residents visit treasures at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo: Mark Stehle.)
College House residents experience the spectrum of musical life in Philly as they take a walking tour of music venues, murals, and city life on Broad Street in Philadelphia with Dr. Molly McGlone, the College of Arts & Science's Assistant Dean for Advising during New Student Orientation. (Photo: Adam Weaver.)
Inset: Residents visit treasures at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (Photo: Mark Stehle.)
South Asia Studies' Dr. Allyn Miner introduces residents to a new instrument as part of the Blutt College House Music Program, where residents can sign up for music lessons right at home. (Photo: Mark Stehle)
Inset: House Director Dr. Krimo Bokreta welcomes 6th graders to Kings Court English College House and teaches them about the green roof, helping root ideas about their educational futures. (Photo: Jill Santos)
South Asia Studies' Dr. Allyn Miner introduces residents to a new instrument as part of the Blutt College House Music Program, where residents can sign up for music lessons right at home. (Photo: Mark Stehle)
Inset: House Director Dr. Krimo Bokreta welcomes 6th graders to Kings Court English College House and teaches them about the green roof, helping root ideas about their educational futures. (Photo: Jill Santos)
W.E.B. Du Bois College House celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2022 with "Our Family Reunion", featuring speakers and performances. Du Bois College House was established in 1972 as a locus for African American and African scholarship, identity, and activism, and has been home to thousands of Penn students from all races and walks of life since its founding.
Inset: Interim President Dr. Wendell Pritchett addresses the crowd at the 50th Anniversary reunion event. Photos: Snap Party Booths, Harleysville, PA.
W.E.B. Du Bois College House celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2022 with "Our Family Reunion", featuring speakers and performances. Du Bois College House was established in 1972 as a locus for African American and African scholarship, identity, and activism, and has been home to thousands of Penn students from all races and walks of life since its founding.
Inset: Interim President Dr. Wendell Pritchett addresses the crowd at the 50th Anniversary reunion event. Photos: Snap Party Booths, Harleysville, PA.
The Raices de Borinquen folkloric music and dance group shared the arts and culture of Puerto Rico with Du Bois residents and guests at the House's exhibition of Dr. Sandra Andino's audio-visual documentary The Afro-Latinx Experience: Philadelphia Stories. Photo: Rhina Duquela.
Inset: Residents visit the apartment of a House Fellow and enjoy hot espresso. Photo: Adam Weaver.
The Raices de Borinquen folkloric music and dance group shared the arts and culture of Puerto Rico with Du Bois residents and guests at the House's exhibition of Dr. Sandra Andino's audio-visual documentary The Afro-Latinx Experience: Philadelphia Stories. Photo: Rhina Duquela.
Inset: Residents visit the apartment of a House Fellow and enjoy hot espresso. Photo: Adam Weaver.
Students participate in a New Student Orientation event organized by the Black Engineers Society, as they suit up and face off with their new classmates in a game of late-night Laser Tag; in the inset, non-combatants roast marshmallows on the green. This adventure took full advantage of the beautiful wide-open spaces in Hamilton Village, part of the outdoor space managed by the College Houses. Photos: Bryan Karl Lathrop.
Students participate in a New Student Orientation event organized by the Black Engineers Society, as they suit up and face off with their new classmates in a game of late-night Laser Tag; in the inset, non-combatants roast marshmallows on the green. This adventure took full advantage of the beautiful wide-open spaces in Hamilton Village, part of the outdoor space managed by the College Houses. Photos: Bryan Karl Lathrop.
Eight College Houses sent teams to the College House Cup "Cake Wars" competition held at Kings Court English College House, and the results were good enough to eat. Kings Court English's team took "Best in Show" with their House crest-inspired design.
Inset: Du Bois College House offers a fun way for residents to get acquainted and stay healthy with their FIT program. A graduate RA serves as director and plans fun events such as skating at Penn's Class of '23 Ice Rink. (Photo: Conrad Erb)
Eight College Houses sent teams to the College House Cup "Cake Wars" competition held at Kings Court English College House, and the results were good enough to eat. Kings Court English's team took "Best in Show" with their House crest-inspired design.
Inset: Du Bois College House offers a fun way for residents to get acquainted and stay healthy with their FIT program. A graduate RA serves as director and plans fun events such as skating at Penn's Class of '23 Ice Rink. (Photo: Conrad Erb)
The 2022 staff, faculty and RA teams of College Houses & Academic Services completed training in eager preparation for the fall semester. Photo: Snap Party Booths, Harleysville, PA.
Inset: Penn President Liz Magill and the Penn Quaker visit the Ware College House move-in team during 2022's move-in. Photo: Office of the President
The 2022 staff, faculty and RA teams of College Houses & Academic Services completed training in eager preparation for the fall semester. Photo: Snap Party Booths, Harleysville, PA.
Inset: Penn President Liz Magill and the Penn Quaker visit the Ware College House move-in team during 2022's move-in. Photo: Office of the President
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Riepe College House Fellow on Mid-Century Anti-Racism
Penn Arts & Sciences' Omnia magazine discussed Riepe College House Fellow Prof. Sebastián Gil-Riaño's book The Remnants of Race Science: UNESCO and Economic Development in the Global South,early efforts to discredit claims of a scientific basis for racial superiority, and what got left out of the story. Read more at Omnia.